Saint Casimir Parish

Old bulletins

Jan.11 Jan.18 Jan.25 Lietuviškai Feb.01 Feb.08





2014 Mar.15 Mar.22 Mar.29 Apr.05 Apr.12 Apr.19 Apr.26

May 05

May 10

May 17

May 24

May 31 June 07                  

June 13 - 14, 2015



Last week, the Bishop announced that the diocese will cease publishing the Universe Bulletin in July and will begin publishing a magazine titled Northeast Ohio Catholic, which will focus on evangelization and faith formation. This magazine will be published six times a year and will be mailed to all the 230,000 + Catholic households in the diocese.

     It is the Bishop’s vision that this new magazine will be a tool that will engage every Catholic household in the diocese. It will provide a means to evangelize and instruct those who are not attending Mass on a regular basis, as well as an invitation for all of the faithful in our diocese to deepen their relationship with God. Thus, the new magazine will be a cooperative effort on the part of the diocese and every parish to reach both the active and inactive members of our parishes to proclaim the message of salvation. The more informational material - priest transfers, individual parish news, death notices, etc - will most likely be published in our parish bulletins.

     Being on the Presbyteral Council, I have seen a mock up of the magazine and believe that the format and content will be of interest to many in our diocese. There are other changes coming to our Diocesan Communications Department that will have a positive impact on all of us. As these come about, I will keep you informed.

                                                               God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice



We ask you to remember in your prayers the soul of Eduardas Brazauskas who died recently and was buried from our Parish. May he have eternal rest in the peace of God’s Kingdom.



Summer office hours are as follows: Monday – Thursday 10:00-6:00; the office is closed Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Please follow these times for all non-emergency matters.




During this Year of Consecrated Life we are invited to connect with religious congregations and to respond to the words of Pope Francis: “Wake up the World! Be witnesses of a different way of doing things, of acting, of living! It is possible to live differently in this world.” To help make this happen, the Diocese has coordinated a diocesan-wide pilgrimage to congregational homes and ministry centers of 23 religious communities from June to September. Everyone is invited to discover the heart of consecrated life and to discover the beauty of our journey to God, who is the beginning and the end of life’s pilgrimage.

     Posters are in the Book Room and the side entrance to the Church, and on the bulletin board in the lower hall with more information. Brochures are also available near the Church Bulletin racks. Together on this journey to God, let us pray for each other as we live and witness our faith in Jesus Christ.


This weekend we remember the 75th Anniversary of the Occupation of the Baltic countries and the 74th Anniversary of the Mass Deportations of the Lithuanians, Latvians and Estonians from their native homelands by the Soviet Union at the beginning of World War II. As a community, we will remember the victims of these tragic events with an Ecumenical Prayer Service, in English, here at St. Casimir’s at 2:00pm this afternoon. Fr. Bacevice will be the presiding minister and Rev. Dr. Paul Barbins will be the homilist. We invite everyone to participate in this prayer service and then come to the lower hall to enjoy refreshments and fellowship and listen to a speaker. This event is sponsored by the Baltic American Committee of Cleveland. Everyone in the Parish is invited to take part in this commemoration.


Cleveland now has a Catholic radio station: AM 1260 - The Rock - for the Good News. The Rock (WCCR) has a strong signal and operates day and night. Tune in for authentic Catholic teaching and programs. This is a great way learn more about your faith, what the Church teaches, and for developing your spiritual relationship with Jesus Christ. Learn more at


The FEST 2015 is only two months away! Join us for our 15th Annual Catholic Family Festival on Sunday, August 9th, as we bring together 39,000 + from across our region for a day of faith, family, and fun - and it’s FREE. The day includes dynamic activities for all ages, performances by the best of the best of national Christian musicians, opportunities for prayer and reflection, a large outdoor Mass followed by fireworks and more.

     We need your help to make this amazing day possible - please consider donating 2 hours of your time volunteering for the FEST. Volunteers are essential to making this event possible and will receive a free t-shirt in thanks. For more information, or to register to help, go to TOGETHER we can make this a great day for thousands from across our region!


The Diocese of Cleveland’s “Protecting God’s Children” program is a continuing effort to instruct and inform everyone about the protection of children from sexual abuse. To report any past or present suspected inappropriate behavior toward children by priests, deacons, religious lay ecclesial ministers, or personnel associated with the Church, contact the Diocesan Response Service office at 216-334-2999 or by e-mail at: Also, be advised: Reports of suspected abuse will be made to the public children services agency (PCSA) or a municipal police department or county sheriff where the child resides or where the abuse is believed to have occurred. See  for the listing on the home page, of the names and telephone numbers of the PCSA in all eight counties of our Diocese, along with additional information about safe environment programs and procedures.


JUNE 13 - 14

JUNE 20 - 21


8:00 am 12:00pm





Sue Milikas Judy Kowalski

Nancy Anzlovar

Jackie Caruso-Taylor Barb Pallo Sara Oligny

Eucharistic Ministers

Sue & John Milikas
Maureen Anderson

Judy Kowalski
John Martinich

Arv Valiukas,
Donna Flynt
Brian Kemer

Jackie Caruso-Taylor
Faye Roth, Sue Milikas

Judy Kowalski
Arv Valiukas

Dave Oligny, Ted Egan
Brian Kemer






