Saint Casimir Parish

Old bulletins

Jan.11 Jan.18 Jan.25 Lietuviškai Feb.01 Feb.08





2014 Mar.15 Mar.22 Mar.29 Apr.05 Apr.12 Apr.19 Apr.26

May 05

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May 17

May 24

May 31 June 07 June 14 June 21              

June 27 - 28, 2015



Saturday is the Fourth of July, American Independence Day. As we prepare to celebrate this holiday, we are reminded that our most precious gift as citizens is our freedom, and we need to remember that this freedom has come at a tremendous price.

     All of us need to take time during this holiday to thank God for the gift of our freedom and pray for those who lost their lives that we can live in freedom. We are also reminded that we need to continue to be vigilant to protect our freedom. Technology exists to monitor just about every aspect of our lives and political expediency threatens our religious freedom. If we ignore these signs in our society, we will see our freedom eroded and possibly lost.

     Let us pray and use our influence to assure that the freedoms we have will never be compromised.

                                                               God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice



We ask you to remember in your prayers the soul of Dalia Macys who died recently and was buried through our parish. May she have eternal rest in the peace of God’s Kingdom.


Friday, July 3rd, we will have our First Friday Holy Hour of adoration in the Church from 8:00-9:00am. On Wednesday, July 8th, we will have our monthly Eucharistic Adoration in the church from 6:00-9:00 pm. We invite everyone to spend some quiet time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. For those able to make a commitment to spend time in prayer, we ask you to sign up for a specific time. The sign-up sheet is located in the main entrance to the Church.


Summer office hours are as follows: Monday – Thursday 10:00-6:00; the office is CLOSED Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Please follow these times for all non-emergency matters


This weekend we are accepting offerings for the Holy Father. Known for years as the Peter’s Pence Collection, this offering supports the charitable work of the Holy Father throughout the world. Please be generous.


Beginning Tuesday, July 7th, we will be accepting Mass intentions for 2016. Because of the number of requests for weekend Masses, particularly the 10:00 Mass, we will accept only two weekend Mass requests per family. Organizations and individuals who would like to have a Mass offered on a specific date are asked to schedule them at the Rectory as soon as possible. We ask that the Mass Offering accompany the request. We still have about 9 open dates for Masses in 2015.


Summer is the time of year that many are involved in outdoor activities and travel. We wish everyone a safe and relaxing summer, but we remind everyone to participate at Mass each weekend, even when traveling. We also remind everyone of their obligation to support our parish. As we continue to be challenged financially, we need everyone’s support. So on the weekends you are not here for any reason, I ask you to make up for your missed offerings. I bring this up as a reminder because many in the parish will be away next weekend. The International Lithuanian Song Festival is taking place in Chicago and three choirs from Cleveland will be performing in the Festival.


Looking for a great family day this summer? Join us for the FEST on Sunday, August 9 on the grounds of the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. The 56 acre campus becomes the home of our 15th Annual Catholic Family Festival. It is a day that celebrates faith and family. It is fun and it is FREE. Join thousands from across the region as we come together for national Christian bands along with other faith-based activities and interactive displays for the whole family. The day ends with an outdoor Mass at 8:00pm followed by an incredible American Fireworks display. Check it out online – www.the


The Immaculate Heart of Mary Cleveland Homeschool Conference will be held at St. Adalbert Parish – Keller Center, 66 Adelbert Street, Berea, on Friday, July 10 (12:00-6:00pm) and on Saturday, July 11 (9:30am-3:30pm). Confirmed speakers include Rev. Paul Voida, Prof. Joseph Pearce, Mrs. Mary Ellen Barrett, Miss Elizabeth Erickson, Mr. Philip Gray, and Mrs. Colleen Hammond. Admission is free and pre-registration is not required. For more information, please visit


The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops encourages Catholics across our country to enter into the period of two weeks leading up to the Fourth of July (June 21 to July 4), with a strong focus on prayer, education and reflection on our freedom of religion. There have been many threats to this First Amendment right over the history of our country, and it continues today. The Conference of Bishops offers many resources and reflections about this freedom and the threats against it. These resources can be found through our diocesan website:
       Finally, to conclude the Fortnight For Freedom, all are invited to participate at Mass with Bishop Lennon on Friday, July 4, at 10:00am at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist.


During this Year of Consecrated Life we are invited to connect with religious congregations. The Diocese has coordinated a diocesan-wide pilgrimage to congregational homes and ministry centers of 23 religious communities from June to September.

     For more information see the posters in the Book Room and the side entrance to the Church, and on the bulletin board in the lower hall. Brochures are also available near the Church Bulletin racks.


JUNE 27 - 28

JULY 4 - 5


8:00 am 12:00pm





Nancy Anzlovar Arv Valiukas Erin Randel Faye Roth Sue Milikas Jackie Caruso-Taylor

Eucharistic Ministers

Maureen Anderson
Faye Roth

Arv Valiukas
John Martinich

Dave Oligny, Ted Egan
Donna Flynt

Faye Roth
Jackie Caruso-Taylor

Sue Milikas
John Milikas

Brian Kemer,
Arv Valiukas
Jackie Caruso-Taylor


Sinead   Sinead Briana Shawn
