July 1st was
the beginning of the new
Fiscal (Financial) Year for
our parish. On June 30th,
we closed the books on the
last year - which we will
report on to everyone in
September - and look forward
to a new year. When a new
calendar year opens, many
look back at the successes
and failures of the previous
year and make plans for a
better year ahead; we do the
same for our Parish with the
arrival of the new fiscal
With a tenant in our
school building, a lot of
financial pressure was taken
away. The school rent
brought in $114,000, and
having the school pay its
own utilities allowed us to
meet our expenses and save
about $45,000, despite about
$29,000 less coming in the
collection basket. We took
on a debt in the form of a
loan from the Diocese of
$226,500 to pay for
improvements to the school
so we could have a tenant
come in. We are paying that
back on schedule and will
have the debt paid in 4˝
The new fiscal year
will bring us new
challenges, which will be
very different from what we
have faced in the past. We
no longer have to figure out
how long we can survive, but
we are challenged to make
the necessary improvements
to our buildings and
property to insure our
future. We have to find a
way to reverse the decrease
in offerings from members
and to increase fund
I believe that we have
a strong and vibrant parish.
For the first time in our
almost 6 years of existence,
we are in a financial
position to move forward as
a community, to build our
community, and to make a
difference in the lives of
the Lithuanian community in
Cleveland and in the lives
of those who belong to our
It is up to us to do
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice
ask you to remember in your prayers the soul of Jadvyga
Ignataviciene who died recently. She will be buried from our
Parish on Friday, July 10th.
May she have eternal rest in the peace of God’s Kingdom.
On Wednesday, July 8th,
we will have our monthly Eucharistic Adoration in the church
from 6:00-9:00 pm. We invite
everyone to spend some quiet time in prayer before the
Blessed Sacrament. For those able to make a commitment to
spend time in prayer, we ask you to sign up for a specific
time. The sign-up sheet is located in the main entrance to
the Church.
Tuesday, July 7th,
we will be accepting Mass intentions for 2016. Because of
the number of requests for weekend Masses, particularly the
Mass, we will accept only two weekend Mass requests per
family. Organizations and individuals who would like to have
a Mass offered on a specific date are asked to schedule them
at the Rectory as soon as possible. We ask that the Mass
Offering accompany the request. We still have about 9 open
dates for Masses in 2015. |
office hours are as follows: Monday – Thursday
10:00-6:00; the office is CLOSED Friday, Saturday and
Sunday. Please follow these times for all non-emergency
weekend, Fr. Tom Basquel, C.S.Sp. will be here to preach at
all the Masses on behalf of the Irish Province of the Holy
Ghost Fathers. The Holy Ghost Fathers are an International
Missionary Congregation, one of the largest Missionary
Congregations in the Church. They are responsible, in large
part, for the evangelization of many African people in
countries such as Ghana, Liberia, Angola, Sierra Leone,
Zambia, Tanzania and Kenya. Recently the Congregation has
begun to undertake missionary work in the Sudan, Pakistan
and the Philippines. Some of the missionaries are working in
very tense and difficult situations, especially in war
ravaged countries. The Holy Ghost Fathers are involved in
diverse missionary activities from pastoral ministry to
educational work at all levels, to the training of local
clergy, to social and agricultural work. They are grateful
for your support and prayers.
Holy Name Society is pleased to invite the entire parish to
attend the Holy Name Picnic and Cookout on
Wednesday, July 29th,
5-8pm in the back yard of the convent. Hot
dogs, burgers, snacks and soft drinks will be served. Last
year, we had live entertainment which might be repeated this
year. There is no cost for the picnic as the Holy Name
Society underwrites the entire cost. In case of rain, the
food will be served in the lower hall. This is a good way to
meet fellow parishioners and learn about the Holy Name
for a great family day this summer? Join us for the FEST on
August 9 on the grounds of the Center for
Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. The 56 acre campus becomes
the home of our 15th Annual Catholic Family
Festival. It is a day that celebrates faith and family. It
is fun and it is FREE. Join thousands from across the region
as we come together for national Christian bands along with
other faith-based activities and interactive displays for
the whole family. The day ends with an outdoor Mass at
followed by an incredible American Fireworks display. Check
it out online – www.the FEST.us
this Year of Consecrated Life we are invited to connect with
religious congregations. The Diocese has coordinated a
diocesan-wide pilgrimage to congregational homes and
ministry centers of 23 religious communities from June to
For more information see the posters in
the Book Room and the side entrance to the Church, and on
the bulletin board in the lower hall. Brochures are also
available near the Church Bulletin racks.
