One of the most important
activities in our Parish
should be the religious
education of our young
people. This is something
that I take seriously.
Our Parish has unique
challenges in this regard.
First, there are not
that many families with
young children in our
Parish. Second, we
are a multi-cultural and
multi-lingual parish and we
have to be sensitive to the
cultural and language needs
of our people. Third,
about half of our young
people live more than 10
miles from the parish,
making it difficult to
commute to religious
education classes. With
these challenges, we still
offer religious education to
our young people through the
eighth grade.
During the month of August, school will begin for
the new year, and we are
setting up our religious
education program for the
school year. Children who
will be receiving their
First Communion at our
Parish are required to have
two years of religious
education instruction,
either here at St. Casimir,
in a Catholic School, or
another PSR program.
Families with children going
into the First or Second
Grade this fall are asked to
contact the rectory to
register their children for
PSR classes.
Our sacramental preparation programs follow the
guidelines set by our own
Diocese and conform to the
regulations adopted by the
Lithuanian Conference of
Catholic bishops. We
ask that all children be
registered for PSR classes
by August
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice
weekend we welcome Fr. Tom Basquel, C.S.Sp.
He will be here to preach at
all the Masses on behalf of the Irish Province of the Holy
Ghost Fathers. The Holy Ghost Fathers are an International
Missionary Congregation, one of the largest Missionary
Congregations in the Church. They are responsible, in large
part, for the evangelization of many African people in
countries such as Ghana, Liberia, Angola, Sierra Leone,
Zambia, Tanzania and Kenya. Recently the Congregation has
begun to undertake missionary work in the Sudan, Pakistan
and the Philippines. Some of the missionaries are working in
very tense and difficult situations, especially in war
ravaged countries. The Holy Ghost Fathers are involved in
diverse missionary activities from pastoral ministry to
educational work at all levels, to the training of local
clergy, to social and agricultural work. They are grateful
for your support and prayers.
this Year of Consecrated Life we are invited to connect with
religious congregations. The Diocese has coordinated a
diocesan-wide pilgrimage to congregational homes and
ministry centers of 23 religious communities from June to
For more information see the posters in
the Book Room and the side entrance to the Church, and on
the bulletin board in the lower hall. Brochures are also
available near the Church Bulletin racks.
Tuesday, July 7th,
we will be accepting Mass intentions for 2016. Because of
the number of requests for weekend Masses, particularly the
Mass, we will accept only two weekend Mass requests per
family. Organizations and individuals who would like to have
a Mass offered on a specific date are asked to schedule them
at the Rectory as soon as possible. We ask that the Mass
Offering accompany the request. We still have about 9 open
dates for Masses in 2015.
Holy Name Society is pleased to invite the entire parish to
attend the Holy Name Picnic and Cookout on
Wednesday, July 29th,
5-8pm in the back yard of the convent. Hot
dogs, burgers, snacks and soft drinks will be served. Last
year, we had live entertainment which might be repeated this
year. There is no cost for the picnic as the Holy Name
Society underwrites the entire cost. In case of rain, the
food will be served in the lower hall. This is a good way to
meet fellow parishioners and learn about the Holy Name
We are about half way through summer and the
’best part’ is yet to come – THE FEST. Join us for the
highlight of the summer season – the FEST on
Sunday, August 9th
at the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. The FEST
is about faith – family – and fun – all for free. Last year,
over 39,000 people from across the region came to our annual
Catholic Family Festival. It’s the place to be and the thing
to do this summer. To learn more or to get all the details
and schedule for The FEST, go to:
Faith – Family – Fun – Free – Together – It’s the FEST.
Our next
Pancake Breakfast will take place on Sunday, August 9th,
in our Lower Hall after all the Masses (8:30
am to1:30 pm). All are invited to come down
and enjoy the best pancakes in North Collinwood. Tickets are
now available at the main entrance to the Church after the
English Masses, in the Lower Hall after the
Mass, and at the Rectory during office hours. Adult tickets
are $7 and children 6 to 13 are $4 at the door. Save $1 by
purchasing your tickets in advance.
AM 1260 - The Rock - for the Good News: Cleveland now has a
Catholic radio station. AM 1260 - the Rock (WCCR) has a
strong signal and operates day and night. Tune in for
authentic Catholic teaching and programs. This is a great
way learn more about your faith, what the Church teaches,
and for developing your spiritual relationship with Jesus
Christ. Learn more at