(I wrote this for
last weekend’s bulletin,
and I feel it is
important enough to run
again in this week’s
This weekend, our
Lithuanian parishioners
along with many in the
Lithuanian Community in the
Cleveland area will gather
together to celebrate
Lithuanian Days. This annual
autumn event is a
celebration of the
Lithuanian culture.
evening is the celebration
of Lithuanian music,
friendship and fellowship,
and Sunday
morning at our
Mass is a celebration of
Catholic Faith.
Since Lithuania
regained its freedom with
the fall of the Soviet
Union, there has been
tremendous growth in culture
in Lithuania. And so
Lithuanian Days here has
adjusted its focus to not
only remember the past but
also to make them a
celebration of life today.
An important part of
our Lithuanian culture is
our Catholic Faith that was
suppressed for a half
century. Over the years in
this country, we have seen a
great number of Lithuanian
communities that were
anchored by a Catholic
Parish disband with the
closing of Parishes, leaving
only a small remnant of
primarily older people. I
believe that we are very
fortunate here in Cleveland
to have our parish dedicated
to serve as an anchor to our
Lithuanian community. The
Lithuanian Community in
Cleveland is made up of
people of all ages, who were
born here in the United
States and in Lithuania.
Lithuanian Community in
Cleveland is made up of
people of all ages, who were
born here in the United
States and in Lithuania.
This weekend I welcome all
of you home here at St.
Casimir’s. I want everyone
to know that this is your
parish and I invite your
participation in the life of
the Parish Community.
Remember that the more of
you who participate fully in
the life of the Parish, the
stronger our community
becomes. We are here to meet
your spiritual and cultural
needs, and we can only do
this when you are here.
Welcome home and may God
Bless you!
God Bless!
Fr. Joe Bacevice
November 1st is the Feast of All Saints. This
year, because it falls on a
Saturday, All Saints day
is not a Holy Day of Obligation. Sunday, November 2nd,
is the Commemoration of All Souls, the day we remember our
dead. The weekend Masses will be the All Souls Day Masses.
There will be no evening
commemoration of All Souls this year. However, an All Souls
Day envelope is included with the offering envelopes with
space to include the names of the dead you want to be
remembered at the Mass and in prayers during the entire
month of November. Please return your envelope by November 2nd.
Sunday is World Mission Sunday,
that day all of us are asked to support the missionary
efforts of the Church throughout the world. We do this by
praying for the success of our missionaries and by
contributing to support their work. We invite you to
participate in this effort by donating to the Mission
Sunday appeal. Please use the
envelopes provided for this appeal next weekend.
Catholics across the country will be celebrating Priesthood
Sunday on October
26, 2014. It is a day set aside to celebrate the
importance of the gift of priesthood in the life of the
Church. It is a time for us to reflect on the ministry that
our priests share with us when we gather at the Table of the
Lord – when we call in our times of need. Consider sharing a
personal note or a card of thanks. Together we pray that
many of our young people will be inspired by the ministry
and witness of our priests. May their hearts be open to
hearing and responding to God’s call in their lives.
information on priesthood can be found on the website:
are looking for individuals who would like to be song
leaders at our Masses. Whether you can participate every
week, or only occasionally, we invite you to join in and
help make St. Casimir a singing parish.
If you are interested, contact either Fr. Bacevice or
Roma Bandza, or better yet, come up to the choir loft 15
minutes before Mass. (9:30am for those coming to the 10:00
This weekend we
congratulate Erin Randel, the recipient of The Father James
P. O’Donnell Recognition Award, at the 39th
Annual Girl Scout Mass sponsored by the Diocesan Committee
for Girls’ Religious Programs. Bishop Lennon will present
the award at St. John’s Cathedral this
Sunday at 2:30pm Mass. The award recognizes her
dedicated service and outstanding leadership in Girls’
Religious Programs. May God Bless her for her dedication to
the Church and to our Parish.
We are looking for a few good people to run for a seat on
our Pastoral Council. Application forms are available in the
Book Room. Applications will be accepted until October 27th.
Any member of the parish, age 16 and older, with a few
exceptions, is eligible to run for a seat on the Pastoral
Council. We invite you to seriously consider serving on this
important council in our Parish.
Our Catholic War Veterans Post 613 is having a Reverse
Raffle on Saturday, November 8, 2014,
at the Lithuanian Village Hall, 877 East 185 St., beginning
at 6:45pm. The main prize is
$2,000. Tickets are $50 per person; they include an open
bar, dinner, music and dancing. Extra dinner tickets are
$25. For more information or tickets, contact John Milikas
at 216-486-0254.
Have you purchased your Fall Raffle tickets?
Raffle tickets were mailed to
those who did not pick them up last week. Additional tickets
are available at the rectory during the week or in the Book
Room by the main entrance of the Church.
Dinner tickets are now
Tickets for the Clambake and
Steak Roast dinners, and extra Clam tickets are now
available. They will be sold after the weekend Masses at the
back of the Church and in the lower hall, and also during
the week at the rectory. Clambake and Steak Roast dinner
tickets are $29.95 each and extra clams are $10. The last
day to purchase tickets is Sunday, October 19th.
Helpers are needed
For our clambake to be a
success, we need volunteers to help with just about every
aspect of the event. We have several different sign up
sheets in the Book room. If you can help us by baking a
dessert, decorating or setting up the hall, helping with
cleanup, or driving guests to their cars at Jakubs, please
sign up in the book room.
Show your support for our
parish in the program book
We invite you to have your
greetings printed in the book or purchase advertising in the
book. And advertising form is included in with this week’s
bulletin. Additional copies are in the Book Room and in the
clambake this year falls on the 5th Anniversary of our First
Mass as St. Casimir Parish.
We want everyone to a part of this
celebration and look forward to seeing you there.
4-5 |
11-12 |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Lector |
Jackie Caruso Taylor |
Kowalski |
Dave Oligny |
Faye Roth |
Pallo |
Nancy Anzlovar |
Eucharistic Ministers |
Jackie Caruso Taylor,
Faye Roth,
M. Anderson |
John Milikas |
Donna Flynt,
Arv Valiukas |
John Milikas,
Barbara Grauel |
John Martinich |
Donna Flynt,
Arv Valiukas |
Servers |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |