It’s hard to believe that
summer is half over.
Advertisers are starting
with back to school sales
and I have already seen
advertising for Halloween. I
used to believe that summer
was a time that everything
slowed down, people had a
chance to relax, refresh
their minds, bodies and
spirits. But for many of us,
it has become a season of
warm weather and a time to
pack even more activities
into a day than we usually
do. It seems that every
moment has to be occupied.
By giving our lives
over to so many activities,
what are we neglecting? For
too many today,
unfortunately, the answer is
their spiritual lives. Ask
yourself - since Memorial
Day, how many
Masses did you miss? Why?
How many opportunities for
prayer did you take
advantage of? What have you
done to grow in your
relationship with God?
Perhaps it is time to
re-think your relationship
with God. Remember, He is
waiting for you.
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice
welcome into our Christian Community Izabele Ava McCarthy,
daughter of Kevin McCarthy and Regina (nee) Motiejunas.
Izabele was baptized here at St. Casimir’s this weekend.
Last weekend, Fr. Thomas Basquel, C.S.Sp.
spoke at the Masses regarding the work of his religious
community in the Missions. Those who wish to contribute
toward their work and were unable to last weekend are asked
to place their donation in the collection basket this
weekend, marked “Holy Ghost Fathers Missions”. Checks should
be made out to St. Casimir Parish.
Tuesday, July 7th,
we will be accepting Mass intentions for 2016. Because of
the number of requests for weekend Masses, particularly the
Mass, we will accept only two weekend Mass requests per
family. Organizations and individuals who would like to have
a Mass offered on a specific date are asked to schedule them
at the Rectory as soon as possible. We ask that the Mass
Offering accompany the request. We still have about 9 open
dates for Masses in 2015.
Holy Name Society is pleased to invite the entire parish to
attend the Holy Name Picnic and Cookout on
Wednesday, July 29th,
5-8pm in the back yard of the convent. Hot
dogs, burgers, snacks and soft drinks will be served. Last
year, we had live entertainment which might be repeated this
year. There is no cost for the picnic as the Holy Name
Society underwrites the entire cost. In case of rain, the
food will be served in the lower hall. This is a good way to
meet fellow parishioners and learn about the Holy Name
and baking are probably the furthest thing from your minds
in the summer months. But, we are still gathering recipes
for our Parish Cookbook. Submission forms are in the Book
Room, and recipes can also be submitted through our website.
We would like to have at least 200 recipes in our cookbook
and we are getting close to that number. If you haven’t
submitted your recipe yet, please do so this week.
We are about half way through summer and the
’best part’ is yet to come – THE FEST. Join us for the
highlight of the summer season – the FEST on
Sunday, August 9th
at the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. The FEST
is about faith – family – and fun – all for free. Last year,
over 39,000 people from across the region came to our annual
Catholic Family Festival. It’s the place to be and the thing
to do this summer. To learn more or to get all the details
and schedule for The FEST, go to:
Faith – Family – Fun – Free – Together – It’s the FEST.
Our next
Pancake Breakfast will take place on Sunday, August 9th,
in our Lower Hall after all the Masses (8:30
am to1:30 pm). All are invited to come down
and enjoy the best pancakes in North Collinwood. Tickets are
now available at the main entrance to the Church after the
English Masses, in the Lower Hall after the
Mass, and at the Rectory during office hours. Adult tickets
are $7 and children 6 to 13 are $4 at the door. Save $1 by
purchasing your tickets in advance.
Retrouvaille is a three-month program to help couples
struggling in their marriages. It has three phases, starting
with a weekend experience in which couples learn to
re-establish communication and to gain new insights into
themselves as individuals and as a couple. Post sessions are
held over a period of 12 weeks to further develop and
enhance the techniques learned on the weekend. A support
group is available offering interaction with other couples
who are striving to improve their relationship.
next Retrouvaille program will begin
September 11-13 at the Fairfield Inn & Suites,
Beachwood, Ohio. To register, call Diane and Al Miskinis,
or call
For complete information see their website:
this Year of Consecrated Life we are invited to connect with
religious congregations. The Diocese has coordinated a
diocesan-wide pilgrimage to congregational homes and
ministry centers of 23 religious communities from June to
For more information see the posters in
the Book Room and the side entrance to the Church, and on
the bulletin board in the lower hall. Brochures are also
available near the Church Bulletin racks.
