Casimir Parish
June 4 - 5, 2016
Wednesday, June 8, we will have our evening
Eucharistic Adoration from 6:00-9:00pm. We invite
everyone to come spend some time in quiet prayer. Please
sign up for a specific time to be present. You will find
the sign up sheet in the book room.
June 6,
we will begin accepting Mass intentions for 2017.
Families are restricted to two weekend Masses in a year.
Individuals and organizations who want specific dates
for Masses are asked to schedule them as soon
as possible. Masses can be scheduled either in person or
through a written list submitted in the mail or in the
collection basket. The Mass offering must accompany the
request. The usual offering for Mass is $10.
Sunday, June 19th,
the Baltic American Committee of Cleveland is sponsoring a
prayer service to commemorate the 75th
anniversary of the occupation of the Baltic States and
remember the victims of the mass deportations of June 13-14,
1941. The service will take place at
2:00pm at the Latvian Lutheran Church at the corner
of Andrews Ave. and Detroit Rd. in Lakewood. Refreshments
will be served afterward. There will be a guest speaker at
the event. All are invited to join with the Estonians and
Latvians for this commemoration.
YCP’s Executive Speaker Series is a monthly program in
which executives share their business experience and
challenge young professionals who “Work in Witness for
Christ”. On June 14th at 7pm at
St. Luke’s Parish in Lakewood Brian Dean, a St. Ignatius
graduate and President of CBIZ, will share about
searching for more during his 25+ years in the
high-powered finance industry. Enjoy free appetizers and
drinks with hundreds of young, professionally minded
Catholics For more information at YCP Cleveland’s
Facebook page.
the summer season begins, mark your calendar for the
highlight of the summer season - The FEST. On
Sunday, August 7th,
from 12noon until 10pm join
together with thousands from across our diocese for a
day of faith, family and fun. The 16th Annual
Catholic Family FESTival will be held on the grounds of
the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. The
FEST features great Christian artists: Newsboys, Michael
W. Smith, Matthew West, and Lauren Daigle, and has
engaging activities and displays for the entire family.
The FEST is free and open to all. The day
concludes with an inspiring outdoor Mass at
8pm. It’s the highlight of
summer, everything that your family needs for a great
family day. For more information, go online to:
As the month of June begins, we know that summer is near.
Each summer is packed with activities that will keep many
people away from the parish on Sundays. Summer vacation
trips, this summer’s dance celebration in Baltimore, and
weekend activities will keep many of you away from St.
Casimir’s for weeks at a time.
I wish everyone have a safe and relaxing summer. I also
remind you to participate at Mass every
Sunday and Holy Day, and when you are away from the
Parish on a weekend, to PLEASE make up for your missed
offerings. Also, I ask that those who are able to make a
generous contribution to our repair fund. We have several
projects to complete this summer including parking lot
repairs and major repair work that needs to be done on the
air handling equipment in the Church building. The sooner we
raise the money, the quicker we can get the projects
Our goal in all our repair projects is to maintain our
buildings and property to provide a safe and inspiring place
for worship, for conducting parish business, and providing
space for the spiritual and cultural needs of all our
members. Together, we can make this happen.
God Bless! Fr.
Joe Bacevice |
ask you to remember in your prayers the soul of Pauline
Swetel, whose funeral Mass was recently held in our
Church. May she have Eternal Rest in the Peace of God’s
neighborhood Girl Scout troop will hold a food
collection at all the Masses next weekend
for the Euclid Hunger Center. All are invited to bring a
donation of “Kid Friendly Food” such as cereal, pasta,
peanut butter, jelly, granola bars and Mac ‘n Cheese.
Cash donations will also be accepted. Please help our
Girl Scouts feed the hungry in our neighborhood.
Bishop Lennon invites everyone in the Diocese to
participate in the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy by
joining together in Pilgrimage to the Diocese of
Cleveland Holy Doors and engaging in the Corporal
and Spiritual Works of Mercy throughout the community.
Our Diocesan Holy Doors are at the Cathedral of St. John
the Evangelist (December 13, 2015 to November 13, 2016)
and Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine, 21281 Chardon Rd.,
Euclid, OH (April 3, 2016 to October
30, 2016). For more information visit the
diocesan website: |
EASTER WEEKEND - JUNE 4 - 5, 2016 |
- 12, 2016 |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Lector |
Faye Roth |
Judy Kowalski |
Erin Randel |
Nancy Anzolar |
Arv Valiukas |
Donna Flynt |
Eucharistic Ministers |
Faye Roth
Jackie &
Sami C-Taylor |
John Kowalski |
Donna Flynt,
Ted Egan
Dave Oligny |
B. Grauel,
Jackie C-Taylor
Maureen Anderson |
John Martinich |
Faye Roth,
Ted Egan
Donna Flynt |
Server |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |
Briana |
Shawn |
Briana, Deidre |