This weekend we are asked to
support our fellow parishioners and families who serve or have served this
nation as members of the US military. The Collection for the Archdiocese for
the Military Services, USA will provide the Gospel, the sacraments and other
forms of spiritual support to men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces wherever
they serve, and to veterans in VA medical centers. Please prayerfully consider a
generous contribution to this special triennial collection approved by the U.S.
Conference of Bishops in 2012 and last taken in 2013.
next Pancake Breakfast will be Sunday, November 13th, in our
Lower Hall after all the Masses (8:30 am to1:30 pm. We invite everyone to come
enjoy the best pancakes in the area. Beginning next weekend, tickets will be
available at the main entrance to the Church after the English Masses, in the
Lower Hall after the 10:00 Mass, and at the Rectory during office hours. Adult
tickets are $7 and children 6 to 13 are $4 at the door. Save $1 by purchasing
your tickets in advance.
We have been asked by the
US Conference of Catholic Bishops to accept offerings for the people and the
Church impacted by Hurricane Matthew. In times of tragedy, the Church is always
a primary source of healing and peace. However, in this case, the Church itself
is both an aid responder and a victim. Many of the Church’s structures have been
damaged and their resources depleted making it more difficult to provide aid and
pastoral outreach to those in need. We will accept donations for this cause next
weekend. Please put your donation in an envelope marked “Hurricane Matthew
Relief” and put it in the collection basket. Checks should be made out to St.
Casimir Parish.
All are invited to Borromeo
Seminary’s Novemberfest Annual Italian Dinner which will take place on Saturday,
November 12th, from 5-8pm at the Center for Pastoral
Leadership (28700 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe). The evening will include a 50-50
Raffle and a Basket Raffle. Admission is $10 for adults, children 6-12 - $5,
children under 6 admitted free. All proceeds benefit the activity fund for the
college seminarians.
Young Catholic Professionals
is hosting Mark Pierce, Founder of E5 Leader, at St. Agnes/Our lady of Fatima
Parish on Thursday, November 10th. Happy hour begins at 6:30.
Join hundreds of professionally minded Catholics to learn how to grow in your
career and in your faith. Check our Facebook page for more details: