This weekend
we will accept offerings to support Catholic Relief Services(CRS). In
addition to supporting the relief and development work of CRS in some 98
developing countries, the Catholic Relief Services also supports programs
that serve immigrants through Migration and Refugee Services, fosters
programs in Justice, Peace, and Human Development, along with the Holy
Father’s Relief Fund. Please be generous.
Last weekend
we included a letter from Bishop Perez regarding our posture during the
Communion Rite at Mass – when to stand, kneel and sit. With this bulletin
and for the next two Sundays, we will include explanations from our Liturgy
office as to why we do these things. The Bishop asks that all of us be in
compliance with these regulations by Divine Mercy Sunday, April 28th.
Once we have an understanding of why we stand, kneel or sit, it will be
easier to follow the regulations.
is on the way! Now is the time to start planning your garden and ordering
your flowers and vegetables from the Altar Society’s annual plant sale.
There are a few new flowers and new colors this year. Order forms can be
found at the church entrances on the bulletin tables. Take home an order
form and choose which flowers and vegetables you would like to order.
Orders will be accepted until Tuesday, April 16.
Return your order form together with your payment to the parish office
either through the collection basket, the mail, or simply drop it off at the
rectory by the due date. Support your parish and beautify your yard. It’s a
win-win! Questions? Call Jackie Taylor at 216-509-0401.
The winner of the March 50-50 Raffle was Rimas Čepulis. The Holy Name
Society thanks all who participated in the March raffle. The next drawing
will take place after the April monthly meeting Wednesday, April 29th,
at 7pm at Hope House. Tickets are now on sale for $1 each after most weekend
Masses at the entrances to the Church and at the Rectory during the week.
All are invited to attend the meeting and see what the Holy Name Society is
all about. New members are always welcome.
Senior Scouts Židinys invites everyone to a concert featuring the Dainava
Lithuanian Men’s Ensemble. The concert “Return From Your Journey, Oh
Winds of Spring” will take place on Saturday, April 27
at 7:00pm in upper hall of the Lithuanian Club. Tickets are $20. For
tickets call Terese Urbaitis: 440-442-9091.