This weekend
we are accepting donations for the Office of Catechetical Services. This
office focuses on supporting and enhancing the catechetical initiative (PSR
programs) throughout the Diocese and supports faith formation for all
including adult faith formation, catechetical leader training and catechist
formation for teachers of religion, media literacy, and the Newman Campus
Ministry program. Please use the envelopes provided for this collection and
please be generous.
who ordered flowers and vegetables from the Altar Society Plant Sale will be
able to pick up their orders next Saturday, May 18th,
from 2-5pm, and after the 5:30 Mass and on Sunday, May 19th,
after all the Masses.
We are also looking for volunteers on the morning of
Saturday, May 18th (beginning at 9:30am) to help unload, sort
and distribute the orders. Come help for the entire time or just for an hour
or two. Please sign up at the main entrance to the Church if you can help
If you forgot to order plants, there will be some extras available for
sale during the pick-up times. We thank everyone for their support.
Next weekend,
we will be participating in an important Follow-Up Parish Appeal for
Catholic Charities. Funds raised through this effort will support improving
the camp experience for campers with disabilities through camperships to
help reduce financial burdens, programming and activities for campers with
special needs, and cabin renovations that are adaptive for campers of all
abilities. With your support, Catholic Charities will be able to serve more
campers with special needs and enhance their experience once they arrive at
Camp Christopher.
As in past years, all
new, increased and additional gifts returned in the in-Pew Envelopes next
weekend or donated online will be matched up to $100,000.
online at:
We hope you see the benefits that camp can have on persons with special
needs. Prayerfully consider the impact you can have on all who attend Camp
Christopher, and please give as generously as possible. Contact Karen Joyce
at 216-696-6525 x 1910. Thank you for making a difference.
Memorial Day is approaching,
and our Catholic War Veterans Post 613 will have their annual Poppy
Distribution. This activity enables the Post to continue their welfare
programs for our veterans and their families. They will be distributing
poppies and accepting donations after all the Masses the weekend of May
25-26. Please be generous in supporting their work.