At his first Audience after
a summer break, our Holy
Father spoke about the
sanctity of marriage and
reminded the clergy around
the world to treat those who
remarried invalidly after
divorce with respect, care
and concern.
Today the priests of
our diocese and our diocese
as a whole have been very
sensitive and pastoral in
dealing with people in what
we call “irregular” or
“invalid” marriages. Years
ago the penalty of
excommunication was lifted
from people who marry
invalidly. Our Diocesan
Tribunal has had a
reputation for years as
being efficient and
resolving the question of
validity of marriage and in
the past few years has taken
away the fee to process
annulments and begun a
program call “The First Step
Program” to help people
clarify their marital
Attempting to pick up
the pieces of one’s life
after the tragedy of divorce
is complex and demanding.
One of the significant
issues that a person faces
is their place in the
Church. Does the Church
still care about me even
though I am divorced? Am I
allowed to go to Mass? Can I
receive communion? How can
the Church help me heal? If
I decide to marry again,
what do I have to do? During
our Tribunal’s “First Step
Program” sessions,
representatives from the
Ministry to the Divorced
Office and the Department of
Marriage and Family
Ministry, together with the
Tribunal staff, clarify
these and other issues that
come up and explain their
ministry to those who are
There are two remaining
sessions scheduled for this
year: Tuesday, September 15th,
at 7:00pm
at Immaculate Heart of Mary
Parish in Cuyahoga Falls and
October 13th,
at St Ambrose Parish in
Brunswick. For more
information, see the
Tribunal website:
or call the Tribunal at
216-696-6525, ext 4000,
or simply contact me.
Remember, we care about you
and are here to help.
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice
remember in your prayers the soul of
Dorothy Anzlovar
recently died and was buried through our Parish. May he have
eternal rest in the peace of God’s Kingdom.
We thank
our volunteers who prepared and served the pancake breakfast
and those who came to enjoy it last Sunday. A total of 128
breakfasts were served and after the expenses were paid, our
parish profit was $759.00 We also thank the First Catholic
Slovak Ladies Association for matching the profit from our
pancake breakfast with a donation of $600.00 to our parish.
Thank you!
COUPLES - Do you know that more than 1,500,000 couples in
over 92 countries have experienced a Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekend? They found something worth passing on.
The next weekend is scheduled for
October 16-18, 2015
at the Cambria Suites, Uniontown. For more information call
Scott or Lori at
or visit
www.wwme.org |
The program Unlocking the Mystery of the
Bible helps us read the big picture of God’s plan in
Scripture, find our place in that story, and live it out in
our lives. Join us at Cuvilly House, 18021 Marcella Rd
(convent building) on the first
and third
Tuesdays this fall
for an informative and interactive program of
scripture study. An information night starting with a simple
supper at
6:30pm will
be offered on
Tuesday, August 25th
at Cuvilly House. Please RSVP to Sr. Kate Hine, SND
Catholic Schools are communities of faith, knowledge and
service and exist to form young people in the Catholic
faith. Academic success and rigorous achievement mark our
schools as outstanding institutions. Essential to the
Christian message is the command of Christ to serve others,
and our students are taught to exemplify this command in
their actions daily. Students, their parents, grandparents
and other family members sacrifice to provide a Catholic
education and are grateful for tuition assistance provided
through the Faith and Values Appeal for Education.
Please pray that the generosity of our parishioners will
continue to support the formation of our youth in Catholic
schools as they are taught to be the very best they can be.
And please be generous in supporting Catholic Education.
Our Parish religious education program has already started
for this school year, but there is still time to register
your children for classes. Children of grade school age
should be receiving formal religious training, either in a
Catholic school, or in a parish PSR program. Two years of
Catholic instruction is required for First Communion, and
Confirmation is administered in the eighth grade. Families
with children who need to enroll in our PSR program, are
asked to contact the parish office as soon as
possible to register.
http://www.worldmeeting2015.org/ for the latest news on
the World Meeting of Families
Sept. 22-27, 2015
in Philadelphia, PA. The theme is: Love is Our Mission: The
Family Fully Alive! The August theme is: Choosing Life - God
Made Us for a Reason. His love is our life mission, one that
enables us to find our true identity. If we choose to
embrace this mission, we will have a new perspective on many
issues, not just the family. To live the mission of the
domestic church means that Catholic families will sometimes
live as minorities, with different values than their
surrounding culture. Our mission of love will require
courage and fortitude. Jesus is calling, and we can respond,
choosing lives of faith, hope, charity, joy, service, and
Palubinskas, a St. Casimir parishioner, is an award-winning
artist specializing in printmaking, and has exhibited her
works in more than 100 art shows. Daughter Lina Palubinskas
uses nature as an inspiration to craft fine jewelry from
silver and semi-precious metals. Come see a joint exhibition
of their artwork on Saturday, Sept. 12 (from 6:30-9:00pm)
and Sunday, Sept. 13 (11:30-2:00pm). Light refreshments
will be served and you will have the opportunity to view and
purchase artwork.