
Casimir Parish
October 3 - 4, 2015

Today is Respect Life
and October is Respect
Life Month. When most of
us think about respect life
or pro-life, often we limit
our thoughts to abortion and
the legality of abortion in
the United States. True,
abortion is a great moral
evil, not only here in our
country, but in many parts
of the world. All of us do
need to show our support for
anti-abortion legislation,
keeping this issue in the
open, and work and pray to
end this evil in our world.
But being pro-life is
much more. To call oneself a
believer or supporter of
life, one is committing
himself to support the
dignity of all life from the
moment of conception to the
moment of natural death.
Issues of euthanasia,
assisted suicide, and
capital punishment are
important pro-life issues in
our society, as are issues
of crime, poverty, and
It is too easy for us
to just ignore these issues
as most of us live a
comfortable healthy life.
Yet, our call as Christians
and as Catholics is to form
our conscience to see the
dignity of all human life
and to take whatever actions
we can to support efforts to
address our social ills and
to see the dignity of each
person in our world as a
creation of a loving God. We
can do this first by prayer,
then by supporting
legislation that protects
all people, and then by
being involved in our own
communities working to
improve the quality of life
of everyone, especially the
most vulnerable people among
us. When we are able to do
these things, then we can
truly call ourselves
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice
Monday, November 2nd
is the Feast of All Souls,
the day we remember our dead. Three traditional All Souls
Day Mass will be offered at
(Engl.) and
(Lith.). Following the evening Mass we will have the
traditional Lithuanian All Souls procession and prayers for
the dead. We invite families who have lost a loved one since
November 2nd,
to participate in the commemoration. An All Souls day
envelope is included with the offering envelopes with space
to include the names of the dead you want remembered in the
We also have a special All Souls Day candles
available at the Rectory which can be inscribed with
the name of the deceased you want remembered. These candles
will burn for 5 days beginning on
November 2nd.
The donation for the All Souls Day candle is $5. For your
convenience candle order envelopes can be found on all the
bulletin tables. We invite everyone to remember their loved
ones with an All Souls Day candle.
Hospice is a philosophy of care, not a place. Hospice cares
for their patients wherever they call home. A vital part of
the hospice team are the volunteers who come from all walks
of life, with a variety of skills, talents and abilities.
Opportunities to serve are diverse and volunteers with
specialized qualifications and training are also needed. To
become a hospice volunteer and for information, contact the
Hospice of the Western Reserve at
800-707-8922, ext. 6881.

weekend, we welcome Father Lukas Laniauskas, SJ, to our
Parish to offer a Mass of Thanksgiving at
10:00am. It
is a great honor for our parish to have him, who is a
life-long member, return as a priest to celebrate Mass. We
congratulate Fr. Lukas on his ordination and we pledge our
prayers and support for him in his ministry as a priest and
as a Jesuit, wherever he is called to serve.
His being at our parish this weekend also serves as a
reminder of our need to pray for an increase of vocations to
the priesthood, diaconate and religious, and to continue to
support vocations. Our parish is truly blessed to have our
son Fr. Lukas serve the Church as a
Jesuit priest and we are blessed to have Christian Raddell
studying to serve as a diocesan priest. Chris is in his
third year of studies at
Borromeo Seminary and we pray will be ordained in six years.
are looking for a few good people to run for a seat on our
Pastoral Council. Application forms are available in the
Book Room. Applications will be accepted until November 1st.
Any member of the parish, age 16 and older, with a few
exceptions, is eligible to run for a seat on the Pastoral
Council. This year, Leonard Kedys, Deacon Louis Pecek, and
Debra Zeledonis are completing two terms are not eligible to
run for a seat. We invite you to seriously consider serving
on this important council in our Parish.
Next Sunday, October 4th, is the
feast day of St. Francis of Assisi. In honor of St. Francis,
Deacon Louis Pecek will bless animals in the Neff Road
parking lot from 1-2 pm.
Have you purchased your Fall Raffle tickets?
Raffle tickets were mailed to all parishioners.
Additional tickets are available at the rectory during
the week or in the Book Room by the main entrance of the
Church. Kindly make your returns in a timely manner.
tickets are now available
Tickets for the
Clambake and Steak Roast dinners, are available after
the weekend Masses at the back of the Church and in the
lower hall, and during the week at the rectory. Clambake
and Steak Roast dinner tickets are $32 each and extra
clams are $10/dozen. The last day to purchase
tickets is Sunday, October 18th. NO
tickets will be available at the door.
are needed
For our clambake to be a success, we need volunteers to
help with just about every aspect of the event. We have
sign up sheets in the main vestibule of the Church. If
you can help us by baking a dessert, decorating or
setting up the hall, helping with cleanup, or in any
other way, please sign up.
your support for our parish in the program book
We invite you to have your greetings printed in the book
or purchase advertising in the book. Advertising forms
are available on the bulletin tables at the entrances to
the Church.
year our clambake falls on the weekend of our 6th
Anniversary as St. Casimir Parish. We want
everyone to be a part
of this celebration and look forward to seeing
you on October 24th !
OCTOBER 3 - 4 |
5:30pm |
8:00 am |
12:00pm |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Lector |
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
Barb Pallo |
Sr. Antoinette |
Donna Flynt |
Judy Kowalski |
Erin Randel |
Eucharistic Ministers |
Jackie Caruso-Taylor
B.Grauel, M. Anderson |
Eileen Egan
Arv Valiukas |
Sr. Antoinette,
Dave Oligny,
Brian Kemer |
Faye Roth,
Donna Flynt
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
Judy Kowalski
John Martinich |
Dave Oligny,
Ted Egan,
Arv Valiukas |
Server |
Briana |
Shawn |
Shawn |
Briana |
Sinead |