
Saint Casimir Parish
August 12 - 13, 2017
Imagine the impact you can have when you give a deserving student a Catholic
Education. Next weekend, a special parish appeal, the Faith and Values
Appeal for Education, will be held to raise funds to help provide tuition
assistance to needy students and their families right here in our own diocese.
Please be generous in your support of Catholic school students. Envelopes for
this special appeal are included with your parish envelopes. You can also make a
secure donation online at or call Karen Joyce at
ext. 1910.
August 27, from 11:00am to 7:00pm, all are invited
to attend the annual “One World Day” festival at the Cultural Gardens in
Rockefeller Park. The day will feature performances, delicious food, and
activities for young and old, hosted by each nationality, including the
Lithuanians. The event is free and free parking is available at the VA Hospital
garage (Magnolia & E. 105th St.), with shuttle bus transportation to
the gardens. Hope to see you there!
Teofilius Matulionis, the Lithuanian archbishop who was martyred during
Lithuania’s Soviet occupation, has been declared “Blessed” by the Church making
him Lithuania’s first martyr from the Communist era to be beatified, and the
first Lithuanian beatified on native soil. Archbishop Teofilius Matulionis died
in 1962, three days after being beaten by the Soviet secret police during a
search of his apartment and having been given a lethal injection. The
beatification ceremony was held on June 25th
in Vilnius, Lithuania.
You will find more information about his
life and a prayer for his beatification at the entrances to the Church. Stop
into the Meditation Room (opposite the Book Room at the main entrance to the
church) to view banners describing his life. We ask everyone to pray for his

The bishops of Lithuania proclaimed 2017 to be the year of
Blessed Teofilius Matulionis.
“The Truth shall make you free.”(John
8:23) |
We celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary on
Tuesday, August 15th. This is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses
here to fulfill this obligation will be celebrated on Tuesday, August 15th
at 7:30am and 7:00pm.
The Catholic Church teaches that the Virgin Mary “having completed the
course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heaven glory.” This
doctrine was defined by Pope Pius XII on Nov. 1, 1950 in the document
Munificentissimus Deus. Whether or not Mary experienced a physical death has not
been dogmatically defined by the Church. We celebrate the feast of the
Assumption of Mary on August 15 as a holy day of obligation.
The Eastern Rites of the Catholic Church celebrate the Dormition of the
Theotokos (“the falling asleep of the God-bearer”) on the same day. This
Eastern Catholic tradition holds that Mary experienced a natural death, upon
which her soul was received by Christ. On the third day after her death, her
tomb was found empty. Bishop Kallistos of Diokleia in 1969 wrote in Festal
(The Menaion refers to the annual fixed
cycle of services in the Orthodox Church): “Mary has passed beyond death and
judgement, and lives wholly in the Age to Come. The resurrection of the Body ...
has in her case been anticipated and is already an accomplished fact. That does
not mean, however, that she is dissociated from the rest of humanity and placed
in a wholly different category, for we all hope to share one day in that some
glory of the Resurrection of the Body which she enjoys even now.”
I thought you might find this interesting.
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice
ask you to remember in your prayers the souls of Josephine Speck, Anthony
Focarett, and John Minor who died recently and were buried through out parish.
May they have eternal rest in the peace of God’s kingdom.
to our pancake breakfast THIS Sunday, August 13th, from 8:30am to
1:30pm. Adult tickets - $7, and children 12 and younger - $4. Spend some
time with your fellow parishioners, enjoy tasty pancakes and filled crepes,
support your parish.
As the new school year
approaches, parents are reminded that their children of grade school age should
be receiving formal religious training, either in a Catholic school, or in a
parish PSR program. Two years of Catholic instruction is required for First
Communion, and Confirmation is administered in the eighth grade. Families with
children who need to enroll in our PSR program, are asked to contact the parish
office as soon as possible to register.

13, 2017
NEXT WEEKEND - AUGUST 19 - 20, 2017 |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Caruso-Taylor |
Barb Pallo |
Anzlovar |
Faye Roth |
Arv Valiukas |
Donna Flynt |
Dave Oligny
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
Kowalski |
Ted Egan,
Donna Flynt
Faye Roth |
Faye Roth,
John Milikas
Maureen Anderson |
Martinich |
Donna Flynt,
Dave Oligny
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
Sinead |
Shawn |
Deirdre |
Briana |
Shawn |
Sinead |