Our lower hall
will be closed for construction until early August. This week, Sunday coffee
will be in the upper hall (gym). During the month of July, there will be no
Sunday coffee. It will resume in the lower hall early in August.
weekend we will be accepting offerings for the
Holy Father. Known for years as the Peter’s Pence Collections, this offering
supports the charitable work of the Holy See throughout the world. Please be
freedom remains one of our country’s most precious possessions. It gives us
the freedom to serve others in God's love in ministries like education,
adoption and foster care, health care and migration and refugee services.
That is why, as Pope Francis puts it, “all are called to be vigilant,
precisely as good citizens, to preserve and defend that freedom from
everything that would threaten or compromise it.”
encourage Catholics in our diocese to join those across the United States to
pray and act in support of religious liberty at home and abroad during
Serving Others in God's Love: Religious Freedom Week 2018, which begins on
June 22, the feast of Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher, and ends on June 29,
the solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul. Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher stood
up for the sanctity of marriage and freedom during a time of opposition led
by England’s King Henry VIII. These saints show us what faithful service
looks like when political leadership desires to influence, set a social tone
and request for people to follow.
Religious Freedom Week provides our Catholic community the opportunity to
center ourselves in prayer and reflect on how we may always be faith-filled
servants when facing the challenges found in today’s society. Reflecting
upon Religious Freedom Week helps us to increase our understanding of how to
serve our neighbors without having to ignore our faith.
emphasizing the need to raise up the moral dimensions of the issues facing
us as a country, I add my voice to that of Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of
Louisville, the chairman of the USCCB Religious Freedom Committee, who said,
"We encourage people of faith to reflect on the importance of religious
freedom so that we might have the space to carry out our mission of service
and mercy.” I also invite all people of good will to join me in prayer for
our brothers and sisters who face serious persecution across the globe.
Daily reflections and other important information on the celebration of
Religious Freedom Week and additional resources can be found at