Saint Casimir Parish  

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2014 2018 Mar.17 Mar.24 Mar.31 Ap.07 Ap.14 Ap.21 Ap.28

May 5

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May 26
2015   June 02 June 09 June 16 June 23              

June 29 - 30, 2018 m.



     On Monday, July 1, there will be a major sewer project beginning in our neighborhood. A 48 inch sewer line will be tunneled in on Marcella Road, from Lake Shore Blvd east to East 185th St. Then it will run north on East 185th St. to the Euclid line at Pawnee Ave. This project is expected to run through June, 2020. 

     Marcella Road to our parking lot will be accessed only from Neff Rd and Reese Rd, as access will be closed at both Lake Shore and East 185th St. Also there will be lane closures on East 185th. The tunnel digging for the sewer line will be at the current entrance to our Marcella lot. A new entrance will be made and the fence will be removed while the work is going on. During the week, those in the area can expect heavy traffic and delays. Hopefully the weekends won’t be as bad.

     When coming to Mass, I urge you to use the Neff Rd. lot and try to avoid the Marcella lot. If needed, the Marcella lot can be accessed by entering Marcella Rd. off of Reese Rd. or by CAREFULLY going through our tunnel. When coming to Church, give yourself extra time so you won’t be late for Mass.

     On a happier note, I want to thank a donor (not a parishioner, and one who wishes to remain anonymous) for their $10,000 donation to our parish to be used for building repairs. I also want to thank those who work for Progressive Insurance and are enrolled in their matching gifts program. Last week, we received from the Progressive Foundation a check for $2,261.85, in matching gifts for parish needs.

     Finally, last Thursday, I had my second cataract surgery. By the time your read this, I hope to say all went well. My vision should be back to normal – and really better than it has been in years in a few weeks. I thank everyone for their prayers and good wishes.

     Have a great Fourth of July holiday, be safe, and I’ll see you in Church.

God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice



     Thursday, July 4th is Independence Day. As we prepare to celebrate this holiday, we are reminded that our most precious gift as citizens is our freedom, and we need to remember that this freedom has come at a tremendous price. All of us need to take time during this holiday to thank God for the gift of our freedom and pray for those who lost their lives that we can live in freedom.

     We are also reminded that we need to continue to be vigilant to protect our freedom. Technology exists to monitor just about every aspect of our lives and political expediency threatens our religious freedom. If we ignore these signs in our society, we will see our freedom eroded and possibly lost. Let us pray and use our influence to assure that the freedoms we have will never be compromised.

     In honor of the holiday, our office will be closed on both Thursday and Friday.


Next weekend we will be accepting offerings for the Holy Father. Known for years as the Peter’s Pence Collections, this offering supports the charitable work of the Holy See throughout the world. Please be generous.



Friday, July 5th, is the First Friday of the July. There will be Eucharistic Adoration in the Church after the 7:30am Mass until 9:00am. The Wednesday, July 10th, Eucharistic Holy Hour will be cancelled for the month of July. All are invited to stop in the Church on July 5th to spend time is quiet prayer and reflection before the Blessed Sacrament.



In celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary (June 28), Aurelija and Antanas Jucaitis made a generous donation to the Altar Society. Thanks to them, both side altars now have new flower arrangements. Congratulations and thank you!



During the month of July, there will be no coffee served after the 10:00 Mass. This gives our coffee hosts and hostesses a break during the warm summer days ahead.



The Holy Name Society is pleased to announce that the Annual Picnic for Parishioners will take place on Wednesday, July 31, from 5-8pm at the East Shore Park Club, at the corner of East Park and Dorchester Dr., on the shores of Lake Erie. Hot dogs, burgers, snacks and soft drinks will be served. There is no cost for the picnic as the Holy Name Society underwrites the entire cost. This is a good way to meet fellow parishioners and learn about the Holy Name Society. We look forward to seeing you.



In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells his followers, “No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to what was left behind is for the kingdom of God.” Clearly, Jesus does not want families to be mired in mourning, resentment, worry or loyalties that cause them to lose hope and direction. The key is to seek God first and let all other cares be secondary. Then, we will find direction and energy to fulfill our responsibilities and journey through life with joy no matter what difficulties face us.


This coming week we gather with family and friends to celebrate our freedom as a country. It’s a highlight of summer. Another highlight is The FEST, Sunday, August 4. It’s a day of faith, family and fun – all for FREE. Come hear Jordan Feliz, Tenth Avenue North, Matt Maher, and Casting Clowns. Enjoy Johnsonville brats, and after Mass with Bishop Perez, see the amazing American Fireworks display! Moms, don’t forget to save time on FEST day by pre-registering for your Marc’s Mom’s Bag filled with FREE gifts (along with 100 gift basket giveaways) thanks to our friends at Marc’s. Go online to


THIS WEEKEND -  June 29 - 30

NEXT WEEKEND - July 6 - 7

Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 8:00am Sun. 12:00pm Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 8:00am Sun. 12:00pm


Donna Flynt Judy Kowalski Dave Oligny Faye Roth Barb Pallo Donna Flynt

Donna Flynt,
Dave Oligny
Jackie Caruso-Taylor

Arv Valiukas

Dave Oligny,
Ted Egan
Robin Oligny

Faye Roth,
Maureen A
Jackie Caruso-Taylor

Judy Kowalski

Ted Egan,
Donna Flynt
Jackie Caruso-Taylor


Peter   Deirdre Peter   Eamon