This weekend, our parish
turns six years old. Bishop
Lennon celebrated our
opening Mass on Sunday,
October 25, 2009 at
I remember many things from
that first day, and
reflecting over the past six
years, I see many changes
here at St. Casimir.
From that first day, I
remember that in planning
everything, I forgot to
appoint ushers to take up
the collection. Now we have
ushers at every Mass not
only taking up the
collection, but assisting
people when they can. We had
a social in the gym after
Mass. It was a cool, wet day
and I remember being in the
gym and having water drip on
my head. Now our gym is
completely renovated and a
new roof has been installed.
On that first day, we had
only 150 families registered
in the parish. Today, that
number is more than doubled.
In those six years, we
have made extensive
renovations to our buildings
and put them to the use they
were intended. Children
again attend school in our
building, the Sisters of
Notre Dame live in our
convent, tenants occupy our
rental houses, and our
Church serves the
sacramental needs of the
community. We have a
functioning Pastoral Council
that was set up by
parishioners, our Finance
Council keeps a close eye on
our finances, we have
service organizations that
raise money and provide many
volunteers for parish
functions, a religious
education program for our
young people, and our
Lithuanian organizations
that work to promote the
Lithuanian culture.
For all the things we
have accomplished, I say
thank you to everyone,
because without you, none of
this could have happened.
But, as much as we have
done, we still have more to
do. We need to continue our
renovations, continue our
evangelization, and continue
to grow as a Parish. I can’t
do this alone. As you have
worked with me in the past,
I look forward to working
with you in the future so we
can continue our mission
together - to serve the
Church of Cleveland, to
strengthen our ethnic ties,
and continue to be the
presence of Christ in our
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice
ask you to remember in your prayers the souls of Juozas
Skrinska and Lillian DeMarco-Wise who died recently and were
buried through our Parish. May they have eternal rest in the
peace of God’s Kingdom.
consider serving on our Parish Pastoral Council. Application
forms are available in the Book Room and will be accepted
until November 1st. Any member of the
parish, 16 and older, with a few exceptions, is eligible to
run for a seat on the Pastoral Council. We are looking for
at least three candidates to replace the three current
members who are finishing their term. |
the end of this month, Marija Bartkus, who has been a part
of our maintenance team, taking care of the Church, the
lower hall and the outside areas is retiring after working
here for eighteen years. We thank her for all her hard work
and wish her health and happiness in her retirement years.
Our next
Pancake Breakfast will take place on Sunday, November 15th,
in our Lower Hall after all the Masses. Tickets are now
available at the main entrance to the Church after the
English Masses, in the Lower Hall after the
Mass, and at the Rectory during office hours. Adult tickets
are $7 and children 6 to 13 are $4 at the door. Save $1 by
purchasing your tickets in advance.
Monday, November 2nd
is the Feast of All Souls,
the day we remember our dead. Three traditional All Souls
Day Mass will be offered at
(Engl.) and
(Lith.). Following the evening Mass we will have the
traditional Lithuanian All Souls procession and prayers for
the dead. We invite families who have lost a loved one since
November 2nd,
to participate in the commemoration. An All Souls day
envelope is included with the offering envelopes with space
to include the names of the dead you want remembered in the
We also have a special All Souls Day candles
available at the Rectory which can be inscribed with
the name of the deceased you want remembered. These candles
will burn for 5 days beginning on
November 2nd.
The donation for the All Souls Day candle is $5. For your
convenience candle order envelopes can be found on all the
bulletin tables. We invite everyone to remember their loved
ones with an All Souls Day candle.
this bulletin the Finance Council and I are pleased to
present our Parish Financial Report covering the fiscal year
ending June 30, 2015. This report, in greater detail, was
submitted to the Finance Office of the Diocese and was
Seeing this report should be a reminder
to all of us of what a tremendous asset we have for which we
are responsible. It should serve as a reminder of our
obligation to support our parish to the best of our ability,
and it is a reminder to us be very careful in how we spend
the money entrusted to us.
If anyone has any questions about any
part of this report, please contact me or any member of the
Finance Council. The member of our Finance Council are:
Aurelija Jucaitis (chairperson), Alicemarie Egan
(secretary), Patricia Campbell, Josephine Nampewo, and David
Borromeo Seminary’s Annual Italian Dinner
will take place Saturday, November 14th
from 5-8 pm at the Center for Pastoral Leadership, 28700
Euclid Ave., Wickliffe. In addition to the dinner (adults
$10, children 6-12 $5, under 6 free), there will be a 50/50
Rafle and Basket Raffle. Proceeds will benefit the activity
fund for the college seminarians.