two weeks of beautiful
weather, we are now getting
back to more normal November
weather. We are back to
running heat in all our
buildings and soon snow will
be on the ground along with
ice and the other hazards of
As the
weather continues to change,
I want to remind everyone of
the hazards of winter. We
will do all we can to keep
the snow and ice off of our
parking lots, steps and walk
ways. We ask everyone,
especially our older members
to be very careful walking
both inside and outside when
the weather is bad. Wet
floors in the buildings and
icy surfaces outside are
dangerous, so please be
now that the heating season
has begun, we see tremendous
increases in both our gas
and electricity bills.
Though our tenants pay the
majority of our utility
bills, the parish’s portion
is still very expensive. We
ask everyone to please be
generous in their offerings
to the parish and to use the
“winter heat” envelope.
Let us
work together to provide a
safe and warm atmosphere
here at St. Casimir’s during
the coming months.
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice
ask you to remember in your prayers the soul of Maria
Martino who died last week and was buried through our
parish. May she have eternal rest in the peace of God’s
the past six weeks we asked individuals to seriously
consider running for a seat on our Pastoral Council as we
needed to elect 4 members. Last Sunday was the last day to
submit your name for nomination. We received four
nominations, so this year there
will be no elections. We thank Anthony Bacevice, Loretta
Gudenas, Ted Kowalski, and Richard Marks for volunteering.
Their term will begin January 1, 2016,
and end December 31, 2017. During
the month of December, Father Bacevice will appoint one
member to serve a two year term. |
evening Adoration will be on Wednesday, November 11 from 6-9
pm. We are looking for individuals to commit to spending
specific times in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. If
you are able to commit, please sign up in at the main
entrance to the Church.
American families struggle to make ends meet, but the
struggle is even more difficult for the nearly 40 million
Americans who have been living in poverty. Across the nation
the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) offers
solutions by supporting the poor and low-income in acquiring
affordable housing, fair wages, and access to health care
and vocational training. Your continued support helps to
fight poverty in America and defend human dignity. Please be
generous in supporting this important work of our Church. We
will be accepting donations for CCHD the weekend of
November 21-22.
Our next
Pancake Breakfast will take place on Sunday, November 15th,
in our Lower Hall after all the Masses. Tickets are now
available at the main entrance to the Church after the
English Masses, in the Lower Hall after the
Mass, and at the Rectory during office hours. Adult tickets
are $7 and children 6 to 13 are $4 at the door. Save $1 by
purchasing your tickets in advance.
Borromeo Seminary’s Annual Italian Dinner
will take place Saturday, November 14th
from 5-8 pm at the Center for Pastoral Leadership, 28700
Euclid Ave., Wickliffe. In addition to the dinner (adults
$10, children 6-12 $5, under 6 free), there will be a 50/50
Rafle and Basket Raffle. Proceeds will benefit the activity
fund for the college seminarians.
