Saint Casimir Parish
September 9 - 10, 2017
Bishop Nelson Perez will be
visiting our Parish on Wednesday, September 20th at 7:00pm to
administer the Sacrament of Confirmation. Afterward there will be a reception
for the Bishop and the newly Confirmed in our lower hall. All are invited and
encouraged to come to Mass and to the reception.
We also need your help
to bring baked goods and help set up and clean up
for the reception. Please sign up at the main entrance to church.
7th Annual Clambake/Steak Roast/Autumn Raffle will take place on
Saturday, October 21st beginning after the 5:30 Mass in our upper
hall. Raffle tickets are now available at the back of the Church. All
parishioners are asked to pick up their envelope with Raffle tickets, as this
will save us the cost of mailing them to everyone. Dinner tickets
will be available after Labor Day.
We invite everyone to participate in
the fund raiser to support our parish. In addition to great food, there will be
plenty of refreshments, a basket auction, split raffles and much more.
WE ARE ASKING FOR VOLUNTEERS to help with this project. Set up, clean
up, bakers, and other volunteer positions need to be filled. Please sign up in
the Book Room to help us out. We look forward to seeing everyone on October
Again this year, we are printing a program book for our Fall Fund Raiser.
Parishioners, Parish Organizations, and businesses are invited to advertise or
send their greetings showing support for our Parish. An ad can be placed in the
book for as little as $10. Ad forms are in everyone’s ticket envelope.
Additional forms are available at the back of the church. We invite and
encourage everyone to participate. |
The Sisters of Notre Dame
invite you to attend their 55th Annual BBQ & Boutique. “Gather
Together” to be held on Sunday, September 17 or Sunday, September 24 from
noon to 5:00pm. Enjoy barbecued chicken or ribs, chips, apple pie, coleslaw or
applesauce and beverages. Shop for select sisters’ handmade items in the
Boutique. Tickets are available at the door: $13/chicken, $16/ribs. Held in the
Notre Dame - Cathedral Latin Gymnasium on the Notre Dame Education Center
Campus, 13000 Auburn Rd, Chardon, OH, south of Mayfield Rd (Rt 322). Rain or
shine. Handicapped accessible. Take out dinners available.
An expanded program for
those who speak little or no Lithuanian:
1) Highlights of Lithuanian
history and classics of Lithuanian literature in translation. All presentations
and discussions will be in English. 75 minute sessions will be held once a month
beginning September 24.
2) Learn to speak, read and
write Lithuanian. This year emphasis will be on vocabulary, comprehension of
spoken and written Lithuanian, and participation in conversations. Three monthly
classes, beginner and intermediate levels, coordinated with the
history/literature classes. You may choose one or both programs. For details,
contact Vida Bucmys at
Welcome (back) to St. Casimir’s. Over the
past several weeks, I have seen a lot of new faces at Mass here at St. Casimir
and some faces that I have not seen is some time. Some are in town visiting
family, others have moved into the neighborhood, and some have just decided to
participate at Mass here on the weekends.
Since our diocese downsized back in 2009, many who had their parishes
closed or merged became what I call “Roamin’ Catholics” and either stopped going
to Mass on Sunday or moved from parish to parish looking for a comfortable
parish to call “home.” To all the new people who come to Mass here, I extend to
you a warm welcome and invite you to become members of our unique parish
community. Becoming a member is easy. Simply fill out a registration form which
can be found in the Book Room at the back of the Church and return it in the
collection basket or return it to the Rectory either by mail or in person.
Though we are a small parish, we are made up of committed Catholic
Christians who strive to live their faith each day. We offer Mass each week to
meet the needs of those who come to us. If I or any of my staff can be of
service to you, just give a call or stop in. We would be glad to see you.
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice |
On Wednesday, September 13th,
we will have our monthly Eucharistic Adoration from 6-9 pm. We invite everyone
to stop in as spend some time in quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. We
encourage you to make a specific commitment to spend a specific time in prayer
on these days. For those who are able to make such a commitment, please sign up
in the Book Room.
The United States Catholic
Conference of Bishops has asked us to have an emergency collection to assist the
victims of Hurricane Harvey. The hurricane has created a catastrophic weather
event of immense proportions in southeast Texas and may strike Louisiana.
Forecasters predict the area will be flooded with 50 or more inches of rain.
Twelve million people are under flash flood warnings and rivers and reservoirs
will be flooding the land for some time.
This emergency collection
will be used to support the humanitarian and recovery efforts of Catholic
Charities USA and to provide pastoral and rebuilding support to the impacted
dioceses through the USCCB. We will take up this collection next weekend
(September 9-10). Please make your checks out to St. Casimir Parish, and
mark them “Hurricane Harvey Relief.” There are special envelopes with the
bulletins this weekend for this purpose.
and Sunday Preschool will begin on Sunday, September 10th. The
PSR program is open to students in grades 1-8 who do not attend Catholic
schools. Preschool is open to children age 3-5. PSR meets in the school from
10:45 to 11:45, and preschool also meets in the school during the 12:00 noon
Mass. To register, call the Rectory during regular business hours or come to the
Neff Road entrance to the school next weekend.
We are looking for a few good
people to run for a seat on our Pastoral Council. This year we will elect four
members to the Council. Application forms are available in the Book Room.
Applications will be accepted until October 29th. Any member of
the parish, age 16 and older, with a few exceptions, is eligible to run for a
seat on the Pastoral Council. We invite you to seriously consider serving on
this important council in our Parish. |

10, 2017
NEXT WEEKEND - SEPTEMBER 16 - 17, 2017 |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Caruso-Taylor |
Barb Pallo |
Dave Oligny |
Faye Roth |
Arv Valiukas |
Erin Randel |
Barbara Grauel,
Faye Roth |
John Milikas |
Dave Oligny,
Ted Egan
Faye Roth |
Faye Roth,
Maureen Anderson
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
John Martinich |
Dave Oligny
Ted Egan |
Briana |
Shawn |
Deirdre |
Briana |
Shawn |
Deirdre |