
Saint Casimir Parish
July 28 - 29, 2018
welcome into the Catholic Christian Community Emma Marie Neary, daughter of
Timothy and Vaiva (nee Bucmys), and Greyson Joseph Matas, son of Christopher
and Julie (nee Miller) who are being baptized here at St. Casimir’s this
August 3rd,
we will have our First Friday Holy Hour from 8-9am, and on Wednesday,
August 8th, we will have our Evening Holy Hour from 6-7pm in
the Church. All are invited to stop in to spend some quiet time in prayer
before the Blessed Sacrament.
August 5th
as we come together for The FEST from 12:00 to 10:00 at the Center for
Pastoral Leadership (28700
Euclid Ave, Wickliffe).
year after The FEST we receive many emails from individuals telling us how
much they enjoyed the annual Catholic Family Festival and how it was the
highlight of their summer. Don’t miss out on
Join thousands from around our region for a day of faith, family and
great fun. It is all free. Listen to inspiring music, visit
activities for kids and displays to help you strengthen your family life and
so much more. There is plenty of free close parking. There is plenty of
affordable food thanks to Executive Caterers and Marc’s. There is something
for everyone at the FEST. The day concludes with a beautiful outdoor Mass at
8:00pm followed by an incredible American Fireworks display. Check out the
details online at
Please join us.
Thank you! Your gifts to the Catholic Charities
Annual Appeal are at work making an immediate difference in the lives of
God’s most vulnerable people here in our parish, our community and
throughout the Diocese. As of June 30th, 44,014 donors have
pledged $11,861,205 to the Appeal, nearly 95% of the Appeal’s goal of $12.5
Here at St. Casimir’s, 120 parishioners have pledged $15,358 toward our
parish goal of $13,843. That is 110.95% of our overall goal!
Thank you for answering the call to be missionary disciples: to be
charitable, loving, caring, and to reach out to those in need who cannot
help themselves, people like John who spent three months at St. Elizabeth
Center homeless shelter and found the help he needed to get back into the
workforce and into his own apartment. “I don’t know where I would be without
Catholic Charities,” says John.
Your support makes a difference and transforms lives. See the faces of
those impacted by your generosity on the website:
There is still time to show your support. Contact Karen Joyce at
216-696-6525 ext. 1910 or make a secure online gift at
Last weekend we had an increase in attendance at our 10:00 Mass, as many
have returned from the celebrations in Lithuania. People started to make up
missed offerings, so this week’s collection gave us a surplus. Once the weather
cools a bit, others will return. Last week we had our Holy Name society picnic
for the parishioners, which was a success. Next weekend, our cafeteria opens
after remodeling and renovations. We have been working on planning our Autumn
Raffle and Clambake, and have been preparing for another activity year in the
There have been some other lesser known things going on this summer. We are
getting ready for repairs that have to be done to the front of the church
building and some repair work that needs to be done to the church roof. Once
completed, we can get contracts out to repair the steps and landings at the
entrances to the church which we hope to do in the spring of 2019.
When we work on planning, we concentrate on three areas. Liturgical/
Spiritual, which looks at the Church Year. We plan major feasts like Christmas
and Easter, we look at programs to enhance the spiritual well being of all our
parishioners. The second area is Cultural/Social events which enhances the
quality of life for our members. Our parish activities include our fund raisers,
along with cultural events that we sponsor or host. The final area is the
Physical Plant of the parish. We need to maintain and improve over $12million
worth of buildings - over 90,000 square feet - along with parking lots, and
grassed areas.
Each one of our projects, whether they are liturgical, cultural or
physical, need to be planned, evaluated, funded and executed. As these projects
continue, I ask for your opinion on what needs to be done on all levels, your
continued cooperation and support so we can complete the projects, and your
patience while this process goes on. As we continue to move forward as a parish
community, be assured that all our plans are made to improve the quality of
everything we do and plan for a great future for our parish.
Bless ! Fr. Joe Bacevice
ask you to remember in your prayers the following who have died:
Father John
Rathfon, Father James Viall, and Vytas Matas. May they have eternal
rest in the peace of God’s kingdom.
will be no Sunday Coffee this weekend. It will resume in our remodeled
cafeteria next Sunday, August 5th after the 10:00 Mass.


28 - 29, 2018
AUGUST 4 - 5, 2018 |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Caruso-Taylor |
Arv Valiukas |
Dave Oligny |
Faye Roth |
Anzlovar |
Donna Flynt |
Faye Roth |
Arv Valiukas |
Dave & Robin
Ted Egan |
Faye Roth,
Maureen Anderson
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
Kowalski |
Donna Flynt,
Ted Egan
Dave Oligny |
Peter |
Briana |
Shawn |
Peter |
Briana |
Shawn |