
Saint Casimir Parish
October 7 - 8, 2017
Bishop Pérez looks forward
to meeting the priests and people of our Diocese. Bishop Pérez will
celebrate a special Mass on Wed., Oct. 18, at 7:00pm at St.
Stanislaus Church, 3649 E 65th St. Afterwards, you are invited to
a reception in the Social Center to meet the Bishop. This event is being
held for the parishes of the Cleveland Southeast and Central East Districts,
so it is hoped that as many as possible can participate in this celebration.
We are looking for a few good
people to run for a seat on our Pastoral Council. This year we will elect four
members to the Council. Application forms are available in the Book Room.
Applications will be accepted until October 29th. Any member of
the parish, age 16 and older, with a few exceptions, is eligible to run for a
seat on the Pastoral Council. We invite you to seriously consider serving on
this important council in our Parish. Click
HERE to download
the application form. You can fill out one or both pages.
November 2nd, is the Feast of All Souls,
the day we remember our dead. The three traditional All Souls Day Masses
will be offered at 7:30am (Engl.), 12:00 noon (Engl.) and 7:00pm (Lith.).
Following the evening Mass we will have the traditional Lithuanian All Souls
procession and prayers for the dead. We invite the families who have lost a
loved one since last November 2nd, to participate in the
commemoration. An All Souls Day envelope is included with the offering
envelopes with space to include the names of the dead you want to be
remembered in the Masses.
addition, All Souls Day candles will be available at the Rectory
which can be inscribed with the name of the deceased you want remembered.
These candles will burn for 5 days beginning on November 2nd. The
donation for each All Souls Day candle is $5. We invite everyone to
participate in this commemoration.
7th Annual Clambake/Steak Roast/Autumn Raffle will take place on
Saturday, October 21st beginning after the 5:30 Mass in our upper
hall. Raffle tickets are now available at the back of the Church. All
parishioners are asked to pick up their envelope with Raffle tickets, as this
will save us the cost of mailing them to everyone. Dinner tickets
will be available after Labor Day.
We invite everyone to participate in
the fund raiser to support our parish. In addition to great food, there will be
plenty of refreshments, a basket auction, split raffles and much more.
Dinner tickets are available
after weekend Masses at the back of the Church, in the lower hall after 10:00
Mass, and at the Rectory during the week. Dinner tickets are $35, additional
clams - $10/dozen. Purchase 8 dinner tickets and reserve a table. We invite
everyone to participate in the fund-raiser and support our parish. In addition
to great food, there will be plenty of refreshments, a basket auction, split
raffles and much more.
WE ARE ASKING FOR VOLUNTEERS to help with this project. Set up, clean
up, bakers, and other volunteer positions need to be filled. Please sign up in
the Book Room to help us out. We look forward to seeing everyone on October
Again this year, we are printing a program book for our Fall Fund Raiser.
Parishioners, Parish Organizations, and businesses are invited to advertise or
send their greetings showing support for our Parish. An ad can be placed in the
book for as little as $10. Ad forms are in everyone’s ticket envelope.
Additional forms are available at the back of the church. We invite and
encourage everyone to participate. |
Cleveland Chapter of the World Lithuanian Community, Inc. is sponsoring
“Lithuanian Days” in Cleveland on October 13-14. Friday, October 13th
at 7:00pm - a concert by singer Jurga, and Saturday, October 14th
from 12-4pm - a lecture and film seminar. Both of these events will be at
the Lithuanian Club. On Saturday evening at 8:00pm there will also be
a concert by cellist David Geringas at Cleveland State University For more
information, contact the Lithuanian Club:
after 12:00 noon.
Over the past several weeks I have placed an announcement in the bulletin
asking for volunteers to run for a seat on our Parish Pastoral Council. As of
today, we have received no applications.
Our Pastoral Council is the most important advisory group I have in the
parish. The Pastoral Council advises me on all aspects of parish life, from
making up Mass schedules to setting priorities for property repairs and
improvements. Every year we elect four members and I appoint one member for a
two year term. Two members of the Council must be from the Lithuanian community
and two members must be from the non-Lithuanian community. They can be
re-elected once before they are ineligible for one year.
This year, one member is ineligible to run for another term. I am sure that
there are at least four members of our parish who would be willing to serve on
the council. The application process is easy. Application forms are available
in the Book Room and we would like all applications submitted by Sunday, October
It is easier to sit back and watch or to complain and criticize. It takes
effort and commitment to become involved in the life of the parish. Being able
to make a difference and be involved in Parish Life is a rewarding experience
and worth the effort that goes into it. I invite and encourage you to fill out
an application.
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice |
Wednesday, October 11th,
we will have our monthly Eucharistic Adoration from 6-9 pm. All are invited
to stop in and spend some time in quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
We encourage you to make a commitment to spend a specific time in prayer on
these days. If you are able to make such a commitment, please sign up in the
Book Room.
This weekend and next,
we are accepting donations for the 2017 Calamities, requested by the
National Bishops’ Conference. This money will be used to assist in the
rebuilding of Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands after Hurricane Maria and
Mexico City after the earthquake. Envelopes for this are at the entrances to
the Church.
This weekend we extend
a welcome to Lithuanian Scouts from all over the United States and Canada
for their annual Mystery Hunt (Paslapčių Ieškonė)
through Cleveland. We wish them and their families an enjoyable stay and an
exciting time in Cleveland. During their visit here this weekend there may
be some parking congestion issues, especially in our Marcella Road lot.
During the first two
weeks of October, every parish in our diocese conducts the annual “October
Count,” when we count the number of people who come to each Mass. This
information is sent to the diocese and is used along with the numbers on our
parish register to determine how well we as Church are practicing our faith.
The results of these statistics is also used to help determine where we need
to improve our practices, how our priests and deacons are distributed, helps
us set priorities for programs, and helps determine the future of our
individual parishes.


NEXT WEEKEND - OCTOBER 14-15, 2017 |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Faye Roth |
Judy Kowalski |
Sara Oligny |
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
Barb Pallo |
Arv Valiukas |
Faye Roth,
John Milikas
Barbara Grauel |
Arv Valiukas |
Dave Oligny
Ted Egan |
Faye Roth,
John Milikas
Maureen Anderson |
John Martinich |
Ted Egan,
Donna Flynt
Arv Valiukas |
Briana |
Shawn |
Briana |
Briana |
Shawn |
Deirdre |