
Saint Casimir Parish
October 14 - 15, 2017
October 29th Catholics will celebrate Priesthood Sunday, a
day set aside to celebrate the importance of the gift of priesthood in the
life of the Church and for us to reflect on the ministry that our priests
share with us - when we gather at the Table of the Lord, and when we call on
them in our times of need. Consider sharing a personal note or a card of
thanks with them. We pray that our young people will be inspired by the
ministry and witness of our priests and that their hearts be open to hearing
and responding to God’s call. More information on priesthood can be found at
This year
we will elect 4 members to the Pastoral Council. Volunteer!
Application forms are available in the Book Room and will be accepted
until October 29th. We invite you to seriously consider
serving on this important council in our Parish.
November 2nd, is the Feast of All Souls,
the day we remember our dead. The three traditional All Souls Day Masses
will be offered at 7:30am (Engl.), 12:00 noon (Engl.) and 7:00pm (Lith.).
Following the evening Mass we will have the traditional Lithuanian All Souls
procession and prayers for the dead. We invite the families who have lost a
loved one since last November 2nd, to participate in the
commemoration. An All Souls Day envelope is included with the offering
envelopes with space to include the names of the dead you want to be
remembered in the Masses.
addition, All Souls Day candles will be available at the Rectory
which can be inscribed with the name of the deceased you want remembered.
These candles will burn for 5 days beginning on November 2nd. The
donation for each All Souls Day candle is $5. We invite everyone to
participate in this commemoration.

WEEKEND before our
Annual Clambake and Fall Raffle
LAST WEEKEND TO PURCHASE your dinner ticket!
Tickets for the Clambake and
Steak Roast Dinner are $35 each and extra clams are $10/dozen. The last
day to purchase your dinner ticket is THIS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15th.
NO tickets will be available at the door.
Have you returned your
lucky Fall Raffle tickets? Raffle tickets are available at
the rectory or in the Book Room. You won’t win if you don’t return your
Don’t delay!
Helpers needed
If you can help us by baking a
dessert, decorating or setting up the hall, helping with cleanup, or in any
other way, please sign up in the main vestibule of the Church.
Final weekend to submit
program book greetings: Support your parish and submit
your greetings or advertising to the program book.
Monday, October 16, is the last
day to submit your greetings and/or ads.
With this bulletin the Finance Council and I are pleased to present our
Parish Financial Report covering the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. This
report, in greater detail, was submitted to the Finance Office of the Diocese
and was accepted.
Seeing this report should remind all of us of what a tremendous asset we
have and for which we are responsible. It should serve as a reminder of our
obligation to support the parish to the best of our ability and it is a reminder
to be very careful in how we spend the money entrusted to us. If anyone has any
questions about any part of this report, please contact me or any member of the
Finance Council.
In addition to keeping a close eye on our parish finances, the Finance
Council is also responsible for financial oversight of all our parish
organizations. The members of the Finance Council give many hours of their time
to fulfilling their ministry of service to the parish. They take their
responsibility seriously and are committed to keeping our parish and our parish
organizations in compliance with all Federal and State laws along with following
the fiscal policies of the Diocese of Cleveland.
I am thankful to all of them for their willingness to serve and for their
assistance in helping me meet my responsibilities as pastor of the parish. The
member of our Finance Council are: Aurelija Jucaitis, Patricia Campbell,
Josephine Nampewo, Remigijus Belzinskas and David Oligny.
God Bless! Fr. Joe Bacevice |
ask you to remember in your prayers the soul of Sandra Barens who died last
week and was buried from our parish. May she have eternal rest in the peace
of God’s kingdom.
is traditionally known as the month of the Rosary. We remind everyone that
every weekday morning we pray the Rosary in Church at 7:00am. We invite you
to join in this devotion. For more information about the Rosary, see Father
Next Sunday
is World Mission Sunday, that day all of us are asked to support the
missionary efforts of the Church throughout the world. We do this by praying
for the success of our missionaries and by contributing to support their
work. We invite you to participate in this effort by donating to the Mission
Sunday appeal. Please use the envelopes provided for this appeal next
City Music Cleveland
Chamber Orchestra will open their 14th Season with a concert at
St. Jerome Church on Wednesday, October 18th at 7:30pm.
Avner Dorman will conduct and the program will feature the amazing
violinist, Tessa Lark. Doors open at 7:00pm for this free family friendly
concert. A free will offering will be taken.

15, 2017
NEXT WEEKEND - OCTOBER 21 - 22, 2017 |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
Barb Pallo |
Arv Valiukas |
Faye Roth |
Barb Pallo |
Erin Randel |
Faye Roth,
John Milikas
Maureen Anderson |
John Martinich |
Ted Egan,
Donna Flynt
Arv Valiukas |
Faye Roth,
Barbara Grauel
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
John Milikas |
Dave Oligny,
Ted Egan
Donna Flynt |
Briana |
Shawn |
Deirdre |
Shawn |
Sinead |