
Saint Casimir Parish
September 1 - 2, 2018
Eighth Annual Clambake/Steak Bake/Autumn Raffle will take place on
Saturday, October 27th, beginning after the 5:30 Mass in our
upper hall. Raffle tickets are now available at the back of the Church.
All parishioners are asked to pick up their envelope with Raffle tickets,
as this will save us the cost of mailing them to everyone.
This year we are using a new caterer and are able to lower the prices
and improve the quality of our food. In addition to great food, there will
be plenty of refreshments, a basket auction, split raffles, and much more.
Dinner tickets will be available after Labor Day.
WE ARE LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS to help with this project: to
set up, clean up, bake, and help in other ways. Please sign up in the
church’s main entrance to help us out. We look forward to seeing everyone on
October 27th.
Again this year, we are printing a program book for our
Fall Fund-Raiser. Parishioners, Parish Organizations, and businesses are
invited to advertise or send their greetings showing support for our Parish.
An ad can be placed in the book for as little as $10. Ad forms are in
everyone’s ticket envelope. Additional forms are available at the back of
the church. Everyone is invited to participate.
The Labor Day weekend usually signals the beginning of the election season.
This year, we will elect people to federal, state and some local offices. As
a tax exempt organization, the Internal Revenue Service mandates that we may
not participate in, or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of or
in opposition to any candidate for public office. This is an absolute
prohibition, and one instance of political campaign intervention could lead
to the revocation of tax exempt status.
Practically speaking, this prohibition includes the following: making
statements - through any medium - of support or opposition for a particular
candidate, political party, or political action committee (PAC). No
statements of support or opposition to candidates, political parties or PACs
should be made at parish events, appear in parish publications and the
parish website, or be made through parish social media. Political signs are
not permitted on church property. Also prohibited is soliciting or providing
financial support of any candidate, political party, or PAC, providing the
same with in-kind support, soliciting signatures for candidates, or
distributing voter education materials on parish property biased with
respect to any political party, candidate or PAC. If anyone has any
questions about what is permitted, please contact Father Bacevice.
September 26 through November 4, you are invited to join other Christians
for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to
abortion. For more information, visit their website:
Monday, September 3rd, is Labor Day. This day not only marks the
end of the traditional summer season in Cleveland, but it is a celebration of
the dignity of labor that makes us a strong people. Established in 1887, it is a
celebration of the American Labor Movement and is dedicated to the social and
economic achievements of workers. Labor day is also a yearly national tribute to
the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being
of their country.
Our Lord, many times in the Gospels refers to labor in some revolutionary
terms for his day. In an era of slave labor, Jesus says that a laborer is worth
his wages. He also reminds us that the harvest is great, but the laborers are
few. He urges his followers to pray to the harvest master to send more laborers
into the field.
So on Labor Day we honor those who contribute to our lives through work –
physical and mental – and are reminded that no matter what someone’s job is,
from the lowliest to the highest, they are doing important jobs and that those
workers are entitled to a just wage for their efforts.
Bless ! Fr. Joe Bacevice
ask you to remember in your prayers the souls of Father Joseph Goebel and
Father Thomas Flynn who died last week. May all our deceased priests live
forever in the joy of the Resurrection.
September 3rd is Labor Day. In honor of the holiday, our parish
office will be closed.
next Pancake Breakfast will be on Sunday, September 9th,
from 8:30am to 1:30pm. Tickets are now available after the weekend Masses at
the main entrance to the Church, in the lower hall after the 10:00 Mass and
at the Rectory during the week. Adult tickets are $7, children 10 and
younger will be free. Save $1 by purchasing your tickets early. All proceeds
benefit the parish.
Lithuanian Catholic
Religious Aid is helping the Church in Lithuania prepare for the Holy
Father’s visit next month. They have a GO FUND ME account to accept
donations for this purpose. To hear Archbishop Grusas of Vilnius (in
English) go to:
To learn how Lithuanian Catholic Religious Aid will use the funds raised
visit: |

SEPTEMBER 1 - 2, 2018
SEPTEMBER 8 - 9 , 2018 |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Faye Roth |
Barb Pallo |
Donna Flynt |
Maureen Anderson
Faye Roth,
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
John Milikas |
Donna Flynt
Dave & Robin Oligny |
Peter |
Briana |
Sinead |