
Saint Casimir Parish
September 8 - 9, 2018
Eighth Annual Clambake/Steak Bake/Autumn Raffle will take place on
Saturday, October 27th, beginning after the 5:30 Mass in our
upper hall. Raffle tickets are now available at the back of the Church.
All parishioners are asked to pick up their envelope with Raffle tickets,
as this will save us the cost of mailing them to everyone.
This year we have a new caterer and are able to lower the prices and
improve the quality of our food. Dinner tickets are now available
after all the Masses at the main entrance to the church and in the hall
after the 10:00 Mass. They can also be purchased during the week at the
rectory during business hours. Ticket prices are: Clambake - $30, Steak-bake
- $35, extra dozen clams - $10. In addition to great food, there will be
plenty of refreshments, a basket auction, split raffles, and much more.
WE ARE LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS to help with this project: to
set up, clean up, bake, and help in other ways. Please sign up in the
church’s main entrance to help us out. We look forward to seeing everyone on
October 27th.
Again this year, we are printing a program book for our
Fall Fund-Raiser. Parishioners, Parish Organizations, and businesses are
invited to advertise or send their greetings showing support for our Parish.
An ad can be placed in the book for as little as $10. Ad forms are in
everyone’s ticket envelope. Additional forms are available at the back of
the church. Everyone is invited to participate.
Women of Faith spiritual book study group has been together for more
than six years. Our members range in age from 52 to 93, and gather twice
each month from 7-9 pm at St. John of the Cross Parish. We discuss books and
other items of interest pertaining to spirituality, and have had the
opportunity to meet some of the authors of books we have read. We also hear
various speakers, view movies and visit exhibits and museums in connection
with our purpose. We are looking to add new members to our “family.” If you
are interested, call Mary Ann Pecek (216-486-3836) for more information.
host Dick Russ and Bishop Nelson Perez as they discuss what is on the minds
of the Catholic community. Tune in to AM 1260 The Rock for Table Talk on
Sept. 13th at 5pm, rebroadcast Sept. 15th at noon and
Sept. 16th at 1pm. The audio archive can be found:
Sept 26 – Nov. 4,
you are invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life –
praying and fasting for an end to abortion. You are invited to stand and
peacefully pray anytime 7am - 7 pm during the 40 day vigil in the public
right-of-way outside Preterm, 12000 Shaker Blvd, or Planned Parenthood,
25350 Rockside Rd,. Bedford Heights, or Family Planning, 54 South State St,
Painesville. For more information, contact John Noall at 216-245-9744 or

Even though it may not yet feel like it, having celebrated the Labor Day
holiday, summer is coming to a close. Our organiza-tion activities are
beginning, and people who are coming back after having been away for a while,
will notice some changes.
The first obvious change that many will see this weekend at our pancake
breakfast, is that our cafeteria is smaller than it was last spring. The school
continues to expand, now with 225 students, and new classrooms needed to be
added. As part of the cafeteria renovation, picnic table style seating was
installed to allow the school to accommodate more children at a seating.
Students eat breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria each day, in two shifts; that
comes out to 450 meals every day.
All of these renovations and furniture purchases were paid for by the
school. As the school continues to grow, we are working on leasing the
convent building to the school. When we publish our finance report next month,
everyone will see how important it is for parish financial stability that we
have a good tenant in the school building and eventually in the convent.
Secondly, if we can get all of the engineering work completed, scaffolds
will go up on the front of the church building so that needed masonry work can
be done. We hope to have that work done before the snow falls. We also have to
replace a long section of fence at the edge of our Marcella Rd. parking lot;
that work should be completed by the time we have our clambake.
As more projects begin, I will continue to keep everyone informed. I also
ask everyone to make an effort to increase their financial support of our
parish. It is only with everyone supporting the parish that we will be able to
continue to make the necessary repairs and improvements to insure our future.
Bless ! Fr. Joe Bacevice
ask you to remember in your prayers the soul of John Karosec who died last
week and was buried from our Parish. May he have eternal rest in the peace
of God’s kingdom.
Sept. 7th
is the first Friday of September; our monthly Holy Hour will be from 8-9 in
the church. On Wednesday, September 12th, we will have our
evening Holy Hour from 6-7pm.
Stop in for some quiet prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
PSR and Sunday Preschool
will begin on Sunday, September 16th in the school. The
PSR program is open to students in grades 1-8 who do not attend Catholic
schools. Preschool is open to children age 3-5. Both groups meet in the
school: PSR from 10:45 to 11:45, and preschool meets during the 12:00 noon
Thank you to Mrs. Angele
Staskus and family for bringing flowers for the altar this weekend in memory
of Vytautas Staskus. |

SEPTEMBER 8 - 9, 2018
SEPTEMBER 15 - 16 , 2018 |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
5:30pm |
8:00am |
12:00pm |
Faye Roth |
Judy Kowalski |
Nancy Anzlovar |
Caruso-Taylor |
Barb Pallo |
Faye Roth |
Faye Roth,
John Milikas
Jackie Caruso-Taylor |
Martinich |
Donna Flynt,
Ted Egan.
Robin Oligny |
Donna Flynt,
Maureen Anderson |
John Milikas |
Ted Egan,
Faye Roth
Robin Oligny |
Peter |
Briana |
Sinead |
Peter |
Briana |
Sinead |